Your Babyproofing Checklist
As a parent, your child’s safety is number one. Although your newborn will not be walking or crawling right away, the sooner you babyproof your home, the less you will have to worry about. Take a look at this babyproofing checklist we have created for you.
What is Babyproofing?
Babyproofing is taking the necessary precautions and safety measures when welcoming a baby or small child into your home. It does involve some planning, which is why we recommend getting it done before your little one arrives. He or she will be walking, grabbing, crawling and reaching before you know it.
How to Babyproof the Kitchen
Use Protective Covers
These will help prevent your child from turning the stove knobs and igniting a flame or creating a hot and dangerous surface.
Secure Your Drawers and Cabinets
Safety and child-proof latches or locks will keep your baby out of the knife drawer or the household cleaning storage area. While you are at it, consider purchasing all-natural cleaning solutions that are less harmful and more safe, especially for kids.
Cover Up Electrical Outlets and Cords
Organization is key here. Add covers to exposed outlets and make sure cords are kept out of reach and stored safely.
Keep Dishes Out of Reach
Breakables should be kept out of reach from a baby or toddler. By storing them in cabinets high up, you will lower the risk of breakage or your child hurting themselves from breaking a dish.
How to Babyproof the Living Room
Add Safeguards to Table Corners
Safeguards prevent your child from hurting themselves on sharp corners.
Stabilize Furniture
Unstable furniture should go for there is a risk it could fall over. If your child climbs up onto it, it could be dangerous. At the same time, you will want to limit furniture or tables that are accessible and easy to climb for your baby. Do this throughout your entire house, including the living area, bedrooms and bathrooms.
Extras to Remember
Make sure to tuck away cords in your living room too. This prevents your child from becoming entangled in the long dangling cords that are tempting to be grabbed. Using baby gates can be helpful too. These child-proof gates block off any stairs or steps preventing falls.
How to Babyproof the Bathroom
Lock up the cabinets and lock down the toilet seat. Your child may be tempted to open both and there can be some dangerous things inside them. Ensure all medications and supplements are locked away and out of reach. Make sure shaving razors are secure and out of reach too.
You may need to hire a plumber to install an anti-scald device for your water. Or, you may be able to decrease your water temperature through a few adjustments yourself. Find a way to do this to prevent burns or scalding hot water.
Knowing how to get health insurance can give you peace of mind down the road. Find out about your options and what to consider.
How to Babyproof the Bedroom
Babyproofing the bedroom is important because this may be the area of the house where you spend a lot of time with your child, whether it is their own room or your room. Here are some safety tips to consider:
- Buy a baby monitor. It ensures you are in the know at all times and can hear when your baby wakes or needs you.
- Check your crib’s safety. This is especially true if you bought your crib second hand. Unsure? Check out a government website.
- Set up window guards. Don’t forget to regularly check on your little one. Window guards are important, yet they are no substitute for actual parental supervision.
- Electrical outlet covers. This needs to be done throughout the entire house.
- Secure dressers and shelves. Attach furniture to the wall to make sure it will not tip over in the case that your little one attempts to climb or pull on it.
Other Safety Tips to Keep in Mind
If you have a fireplace, install a fireplace screen to block it. Ensure your home is up to code and has smoke detectors on every floor. Further, every home should have its own fire extinguisher. If you do not have one, now is your time to buy one.
Also, when it comes to having kids, a landline is a good idea. If the power goes out, cellphones can quickly die and you may be left without a means to contact emergency services.
You’ll also want to clean out the car and dump any tiny objects or items that could potentially serve as choking hazards. Clean and organized is the way to go!
Lastly, if you have any peeling paint, replace it. This could easily be something your child could tear off and swallow. Although, you will want to make sure this is done at least eight to 10 weeks before the baby arrives. This prevents your child from being exposed to chemicals and fumes from the paint.
It sounds like a lot, but this can all be completed over one weekend. Once it is done, you are ready. It’s another thing checked off your to-do list, another thing you can feel good about and you can feel less worried as your due date quickly approaches.