Breastfeeding vs Forumla
Breastfeeding vs formula is one of the most highly debated topics among new parents. When it comes down to it, whether or not you breastfeed is a personal choice based on your life and situation. But is there a huge difference between breastfeeding and using formula? Let’s look at the pros and cons of each.
The Advantages of Breastfeeding
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states the best nutrition for infants comes from breast milk. The organization recommends breastfeeding for the first six months of your baby’s life, followed by the gradual introduction of solid foods. So, what’s the deal? Why is breast milk considered so advantageous?
The main and most commonly known advantage is that breast milk provides your child with antibodies. These antibodies protect your baby from getting sick and helps them build up immunity from various pathogens.
Breast milk is also easier for your baby to digest and is less likely to cause gas or constipation. It further contains various nutrients that contribute to brain growth, like taurine and DHA. In fact, studies and research suggest breast-fed babies may have a higher intelligence due to better cognitive function.
Another major reason why many mothers choose to breastfeed include the mother-baby bonding that takes place. It forms a special bond like no other and allows the mother to feel close to her child. In turn, this also may enhance the new mother’s mood, preventing postpartum depression.
The Disadvantages of Breastfeeding
Yet, breastfeeding poses many challenges. Some women are unable to produce enough milk. It may also cause soreness and pain in the breasts. Further, unlike formula bottle-feeding, it may prove difficult to determine how much your baby has consumed.
It may also cause the mother to feel tied down. Some moms are not able to take maternity leave or decide not to, and if this is the case, they may not always be available for feeding their little one. It may limit how much a mother is able to get out and socialize after birth which may lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Lastly, another aspect breastfeeding mothers need to consider is their diet choices. For instance, experts recommend limiting certain foods and beverages when breastfeeding in order to protect the health of the baby. In other words, mothers who breastfeed must be particularly careful with what they consume on a regular basis.
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The Advantages of Formula
Some mothers are simply not able to breastfeed. Or perhaps you do not feel comfortable breastfeeding in a given situation, such as a public place.
Luckily, formula offers a healthy alternative to breast milk. The market has various good and reputable formula products, giving your baby the nutrients he or she needs. It is convenient. Anyone can feed your baby the formula at any time, unlike breast milk. In turn, this offers a way for your partner to help out when it comes to feeding your baby, especially in the middle of the night.
Interestingly, formula-fed babies do not need to be fed as frequently. Thus, it may prove easier to develop a set feeding schedule by using formula. A new mother also will not have to worry about what she eats. This means a new mom can enjoy that small glass of wine, without worrying about if it will impact her child or not.
The Disadvantages of Formula
Many new moms may feel guilt over choosing not to solely breastfeed. This is absolutely normal. However, know it is a personal choice and you need to do what is best for you and your child.
Other disadvantages of formula include the cost and the fact that it provides less immunity to your baby. Unlike breast milk, which is free, formula costs money. Formula has also not been able to replicate the protective effects provided by the antibodies passed from mom to baby through breast milk.
It Is Your Choice
Again, breastfeeding is a personal choice. Some new mothers may not be able to breastfeed due to a lack of milk production or due to their own health or certain medications. For instance, conditions, like hypothyroidism, breast surgery, or undergoing treatment for breast cancer can make breastfeeding impossible. Medications, like antiretroviral or seizure medications may also reduce the production of breast milk or cause harm to the baby.
Luckily, formula offers a safe and healthy option as well. Formula also gives new mothers freedom, which may reduce their risk of postpartum depression. As a mother, whichever option you choose is your decision to make. Many moms turn to a combination of them both. This allows them to gain some independence, as well as still bond with their baby and provide their little one with optimal nutrition.
If you are struggling to breastfeed your baby, consider consulting with your doctor or even a lactation expert. They can help you make the right decision for your and your baby’s life.