Living a More Comfortable, Inflammation-Free Life
If you’re suffering from psoriasis, it can be easy to feel defeated. The skin disease currently has no cure and repeating cycles of inflammation can be disheartening. The good news - what you eat can have a dramatic effect on your psoriasis symptoms. Read on to discover the best food for psoriasis, reducing your symptoms and treatment options like TREMFYA®, a medication used to treat moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults.
7 Foods that Lower Psoriasis Inflammation
Below are foods that will help with your psoriasis inflammation:
Whole Grains
Whole-grain foods are great for reducing psoriasis flare-ups. Barley, oats and bran are the best whole grains to add to your diet, and the recommendation is three portions per day to ensure the best possible results.
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish are full of omega-3, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Scientific evidence proves that a higher intake of omega-3 decreases skin irritation and flare-ups. The best fatty fish to add to your diet are salmon, trout, cod, tuna, herring and sardines.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are staples of any healthy diet, but did you know that they have anti-inflammatory properties that make them suitable for a psoriasis diet? They’re high in antioxidants which reduce the symptoms of the skin disease. Foods with antioxidant properties include green vegetables like broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts and dark fruits such as cherries.
While the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables is five servings, those with psoriasis should aim to eat four or five vegetables and three or four fruits each day. Fruit salads and vegetable soups are easy ways to get lots of antioxidants in one meal.
Do you know what the best food for ankylosing spondylitis is? Read on to learn about what foods to eat and what foods to avoid.
Olive Oil
A staple of Mediterranean diets, olive oil has lots of beneficial qualities. There’s evidence it may help to prevent strokes, reduce the risk of heart disease and limit the impact of psoriasis skin disease.
Olive oil contains oleocanthal and oleic acid. Oleocanthal is a type of antioxidant that evidence suggests works similarly to ibuprofen. Just like the pharmaceutical drug, it reduces inflammation. Oleic acid too is key in inflammation reduction.
If you don’t like olive oil, there are other types of oil with similar properties that will support your psoriasis issues - coconut, flaxseed and safflower oil.
Containing lots of live microorganisms called probiotics, yogurt increases the levels of good bacteria that exist in your gut. This limits inflammation, which reduces the likelihood of having a psoriasis flare-up.
If you’re vegan or prefer to avoid dairy, there are other sources of probiotics you can introduce to your diet including kombucha and sauerkraut.
Herbs and Spices
Herbs and spices contain antioxidants that are proven to reduce inflammation risks and limit the symptoms of your psoriasis. Not all herbs and spices are up to the job, however - you need to seek out those that are rich in antioxidants like ginger, sage, cumin and thyme.
The best spice for psoriasis is turmeric, which contains curcumin - an anti-inflammatory polyphenol. Add turmeric to scrambled eggs, curries or bean-based dishes.
Nuts and Seeds
Those suffering from this autoimmune condition should eat nuts and seeds daily. One of the perfect psoriasis diet foods, they contain omega-3 - which reduces flare-ups and prevents cycles of inflammation from occurring too regularly. Walnuts, peanuts and almonds are all ideal sources of omega-3 fatty acids and taste great in cereals and curries.
Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects as many as 3% of the global population. It’s an autoimmune condition whereby a person’s immune system reacts atypically. This translates into a skin disease that causes itchy rashes. There currently isn’t a cure for psoriasis, but - fortunately - sufferers can change their diet to limit the risk of flare-ups.
What is Psoriasis?
TREMFYA® for Sever Plaque Psoriasis
Tremfya is a medication used to treat moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults. Plaque psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by the rapid buildup of skin cells, resulting in the formation of thick, red and scaly patches on the skin. Tremfya specifically targets a protein called interleukin 23 (IL-23), which plays a role in the inflammatory response associated with psoriasis.
Beyond The Psoriasis Foods Diet
While eating a healthy diet of the aforementioned foods is a great step toward reducing inflammation from psoriasis, there are other considerations to limit the impact of the skin disease on your life.
The prescription medicine Rinvoq treats those with psoriasis and should be a consideration for sufferers. You can also use Xeljanz and Humira to aid in lowering inflammation efforts. Aloe vera medicine is also beneficial for easing symptoms, as is apple cider vinegar which can soothe itching.
Safe exposure to sunlight improves the appearance of the affected skin, which will boost your mental wellness and confidence. Those with symptoms are also advised to quit smoking and avoid injury to the skin as these events can trigger or worsen symptoms.