How to Stop Bedwetting
Bedwetting is something everyone experiences when they are young. Thankfully, parents help us get over this problem. Now that we have kids of our own, it is our turn to help the new generation and teach them how to stop bedwetting.
Now, let’s talk about the issue. Your kid already knows how to converse, or maybe is even currently attending school. At this point, your kid already understands that waking to a wet bed is not something they should be doing.
On a positive note, bedwetting usually resolves itself under normal circumstances. However, it is not something that can be given an immediate resolution just by making your child conscious about it. In this article, we talk about the causes of bedwetting, how to address it and when it is necessary to seek expert advice.
What is Bedwetting?
Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, can be simply defined as the loss of bladder control during sleep. The cause of this can be attributed to both psychological and physiological factors. You do not have to worry as this is a natural occurrence for kids of certain ages. There is no clear target when it should be addressed. Thus, there is no need to feel pressured as a parent if you are unable to see any improvements with your child’s predicament. However, knowing more about bedwetting may help you and your child take small steps toward eliminating this.
Here are some common causes of bedwetting:
- Bedwetting is more likely to occur in children due to their small bladder size
- Stress, anxiety, fear or a change in environment
- Neurological disorders
- Constipation
- Sleeping discomforts
- Irregular breathing patterns during sleep, such as sleep apnea
With the information listed above, you can say that bedwetting can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Don’t hesitate to seek medical help when you feel unsure.
How to Prevent Bedwetting
Now that you know what bedwetting is and some of the underlying causes, let’s look at how to prevent it.
Communicate With Your Child
This method is extremely important, especially to kids. During potty training, kids are made aware that the toilet is the only place where they can do this. Throughout the training or when potty training has been completed, bedwetting usually occurs. This is during the time you feel that there was no further need for them to wear diapers as they already recognize how it feels when they have to go.
During the first incident of bedwetting, it is important to let your child know that accidents can happen. What we are avoiding is developing anxiety for your kid whenever they sleep, which in turn, raises the likelihood of bedwetting occurring again.
Limit Fluid Intake Before Bed
Having a small bladder is a great contributor for bedwetting among children. If you notice that your child is frequently wetting their sheets, you may want to check their pre-sleeping habits. If it involves drinking before bedtime, it may be a good idea to start finding the solution from here.
Removing any fluid intake one hour before sleeping can help avoid bedwetting. It is also important for them to steer them clear from beverages with a diuretic effect such as sodas and juices.
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Use Moisture Alarms
These are battery-operated devices that are available in the market. These work as a moisture sensor and can be placed either on your child’s bedding or their pajamas.
Once these devices detect moisture, they set off an alarm, which is intended to wake up your child so they can use the toilet. It can also let the parents know when an accident is about to happen so they can assist their children in avoiding bedwetting.
When to Seek Medical Advice
Although bedwetting is a common issue among children and usually resolves itself, this is not always the case. If your kid still has accidents after the age of five, start discussing this concern with your pediatrician. Seeking medical advice is a good way to confirm any factors that may be causing the issue. Advice from a doctor can also help both parent and child on how to deal with bedwetting.
Here are things to watch out for when bedwetting happens:
- Presence of blood in urine, underwear, or sheets
- Increased urination frequency
- Complaints of pain during urination
- Urination during physical activities
- When urinary incontinence happens during the day
- Frequent constipation
- Signs of anxiety
If you notice any of these, it would be best to let the doctor know as these are frequent indicators of an underlying medical issue tied to bedwetting.
Although it is a nuisance, bedwetting is fairly common and most children can overcome this with age. It is important not to neglect providing support and guidance to our children. Assure them that both of you will work together to find a solution. Overcoming challenges together as a family is a good way to develop familial bonds. Don’t miss this chance to grow closer with your kid.